Complete App

Be Brilliant Every Day!

The Complete App offers a wide range of skills and programs that are scientifically grounded to support your development with a core focus on emotional development and wellbeing.


Sign up below to find out more…



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Welcome Message from Dr. Alan Watkins

My name is Dr. Alan Watkins and I have dedicated my life to helping leaders develop and make better decisions all with the end goal to help reduce human suffering.


We developed the Complete App as an accessible way to give you the opportunity to go on a journey of life-long development.


The skills, practices and ultimately the abilities you will develop in mastering the content in the app will provide you with profound insight into what you are capable of with the right development path.


As a medical doctor, psychologist, neuroscientist and leadership development coach to many of the top leaders in the world, I have seen what works and what does not.  My team and I have made everything you need to accelerate your vertical development available in this app.


You can get started for FREE by scanning the QR Code below to download the app to your device. Once signed up you can begin to practice some of the core skills that will help you increase your energy, breathe better and become more emotionally coherent.


We look forward to helping you on the journey as you become a happier, healthier, smarter and more complete human being.


Dr. Alan Watkins

CEO & Co-Founder of Complete

Scan the QR Code to Download the App...

App Sessions
Emotions Logged
Assessments Completed
Users Practicing
Master the Science...

Practice The Core Skills

Universe of Emotions

Check-in daily with the app to log how you feel at any given moment from a Universe of 2000+ emotions.


Discover the remarkable truth about where energy comes from and how you can learn to harness it to power the life you want.


Schedule breathe sessions to unlock the potential of the heart and increase your energy and focus.


Connect a heart rate monitor to track your progress in achieving coherence between your heart rate and your breath.

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Step Change Your Performance!

Embark on a Self-Development Journey

The 12 Mission Journey on the Complete App enables individuals to control their own development by setting personalised scheduling protocols for the daily developmental tasks embedded in each of the missions.

Master the Core Skills

Daily Practices can be scheduled so that you can continue to check in to the app and practice the four key fundamental skills – E-Bank, Universe of Emotions, BREATHE and Bio-Coherence.

Measure Your ESQ

Participate in our market-leading ESQ Assessments to measure your development progress across your emotional and social intelligence. Track your progress in real-time and see the benefits across your life.

Complete App

What Do Others' Say?


    Unlike most other wellbeing apps, the Complete App is scientifically grounded which gave me the confidence to begin my 12-Mission self-development journey. The app has helped me understand how emotions impact my thinking and behaviour. I check in to the Universe of Emotions every day and it’s helping to increase my emotional literacy and to be more aware of the effect of my emotions on my behaviour in different situations. I have also found the E-Bank Skill a really simple way to actually see where your energy is disappearing to and coming from each day and figure out what to do about it. There are also plenty of easy-to-use dashboards, helpful practices, self-development resources and assessments that help me vertically develop.

    Andy Brock
    Director, Orbyss

    I became, what I refer to as, ‘breath aware’ initially through an Indian Ayurvedic practitioner who suggested I “watch my breath twice a day for 20 minutes” to recover from a couple of accidents. I was sceptical, but somehow adhered to the breathing instructions and I realised after a year I noticed the difference. I had to understand why and I embarked on a journey of research I came across Dr Alan Watkins’ work, his concepts regarding coherence, emotions, energy – and life in general – blew my mind. And now my mind is somewhat more blown, with access to this wonderful new Complete app with practices that so succinctly explain and demonstrate how, as energetic beings, we can all become the best version of ourselves – individually and collectively.

    Barbara Pidgeon
    Breathwork Coach

    Using the Complete App really made me think about the influence I have on others through my own emotions. I soon discovered that my own emotional state affects not just myself, but everything and everyone that I am around. This has really made me think about how the way I am feeling will affect how I am towards other people. I will now pause and reflect each time I feel myself getting to a point where I am lingering on negative emotions. I am also using the Complete App to help control my breathing. I use the breathing techniques within school lessons – especially whilst working with children with difficult behaviour and just needing to shut off background sounds/negative thinking. The skills on the Complete App are incredibly useful and work when put into practice. 




    The Complete App has provided me with a coping mechanism that allows me to shift from one mood to another. Before using the app there were days I would come to work really stressed and anxious. I soon began to condition myself to believe that this was symptomatic of the job. I did not feel confident enough to describe my emotions to anyone and used to crack on working like a robot. But once I started to use the app I began to WAKE UP to my own emotional state and how much control I have over it.  I began to question why I was feeling this way and ask myself what I needed to do to shift my mindset. Without using the app I wouldn’t have been able to do this as I wouldn’t have the language to be able to. 




Explore the Self-Development Collection

read, watch, listen and play...


The Complete App provides you with a range of short articles to support self-directed learning specifically adapted to each of the initial 12 transformational missions included on the app.


The Complete App provides access to a whole range of specific audio content, all precisely curated to support the very specific skills, missions and practices that can deliver a transformation in wellbeing.


The Complete App offers a range of meditations, all of which are informed by our research in collaboration with the Dalai Lama’s team on the physiological impact of meditation.


The Complete App provides you with a series of fun games which, if scheduled or even played on a casual basis will enable an individual to improve their emotional and social intelligence as they play.

Complete App

The Three Steps to Success!

Understand the Science

The Missions on the app introduce the theory behind the science behind the skills on the app. By running through the mission content you will gain some foundational insights into the importance of the skill to help you vertically develop.

Practice the Skills

The skills introduced in the app need to be practised regularly to make a real impact. Our practice scheduler enables you to set up timely reminders in the app when your dedicated practice time is upon you. High-quality practice makes perfect!

Monitor Your Progress

Each skill in the app has its own dedicated page which displays the top-line metrics of the progress you are making within that skill. Your key vitals are presented to you in a dynamic form to ensure you never lose sight of your progress.

Complete App Newsletter

The Complete App Community Newsletter keeps you up to speed with all the latest developments on the app, as well as providing you with some important insights about your community’s activity.


You can keep track of the changes that are being made on the app and what this means for you by following our live news feed. Any new developments or feature configurations will be communicated on here first and will ensure you never miss out on what is going on behind the scenes on the app.


You can also see how your community is feeling this week by viewing a question-by-question breakdown of the Pulse Notifications that have been sent out to your Community. Heatmap visualisations will allow you see to how your community feels about the really important issues of the day.


Enter your email address below and sign up to the Complete App Newsletter


Complete App Subscription Options

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Join The Global Community
  • Are you looking to transform your own personal development and learn the skills you need to perform at your best every day in your life?

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  • Are you looking to transform your own personal development and learn the skills you need to perform at your best every day in your life?

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  • Are you looking to transform your own personal development and learn the skills you need to perform at your best every day in your life?

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  • Are you a business leader looking for a wellbeing solution that will transform your organisation's performance and development?

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  • Are you a business leader looking for a wellbeing solution that will transform your organisation's performance and development?

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  • Are you a business leader looking for a wellbeing solution that will transform your organisation's performance and development?

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  • Are you an aspiring leadership and
    development coach looking for a digital platform that will enable you to manage your clients?

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  • Are you an aspiring leadership and
    development coach looking for a digital platform that will enable you to manage your clients?

Set Up a Coaching Community
  • Are you an aspiring leadership and
    development coach looking for a digital platform that will enable you to manage your clients?

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Complete App Wellbeing Framework

Empower and engage yourself and your team to feel better and do better.


The well-being strategy that we have developed is integrated and sophisticated, rooted in physiology and neuroscience.


Here at Complete, Dr Alan Watkins and our team of coaches and data scientists have distilled years of research into the approach and methodology that underpins the Science behind your physiology. For over 20 years we have used science to elevate the performance of leaders across a range of different sectors and industries which has enabled teams to understand what works and discard the rest. This means you can focus on doing the right work in the most comprehensive development framework to target your personal development and wellbeing at your own pace and in the comfort of your own space.