The Three Core Practices 3-Part Masterclass Series

Our Summer App Offer Includes...

The Three Core Practices 3-Part Masterclass Series

Masterclass Series (3-Part)

Energy, Emotion & Breath

Dr. Alan Watkins Q&A

Meet Our Co-Founder

App Premium Subscription

Discover Well-Being

Our summer app offer will equip you with the foundation knowledge you need to develop well-being and the skills to perform at your best every day. There is limited availability so make sure you do not miss out on your place!

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How Can We Help You?

ARe you an individual, team leader or performance coach?

How Can We Help You?

ARe you an individual, team leader or performance coach?


Are you looking to re-discover your energy?

Are you looking to discover a new breathing technique?

Are you looking to manage your emotions better?

We Can Help!

Discover Health & Well-Being

Our three core practices lay the foundation to develop the skills so that you can function at your best every day.  Whether you suffer from anxiety, stress, or burnout or want to take your performance to the next level our expert practitioners are here to help you understand the science and how to use the Complete App to build the skills you need to be brilliant every day.

Find Out More

Corporate Team

Are you looking to foster a supportive work environment?

Are you looking to promote mental health awareness?

Are you looking to develop your well-being strategy?

We Can Help!

Build a Culture of Well-Being

Complete App has been developed for individuals and teams to progress through a structured programme of development. The solution is packed with features to maintain your own private community and manage customised content. Each Masterclass will demonstrate how you can leverage the three core practices to ensure the well-being of your colleagues is maintained.

Find Out More


Are you looking to expand your coaching practices?

Are you looking to boost your income and impact as a coach?

Are you looking for your own digital coaching tools?

We Can Help!

Enrich Your Coaching Practices!

Complete App has been developed by coaches for coaches so that you can use this app as a companion to your regular coaching content.  Accelerate the development of your clients by embedding the core practices into their daily exercises.  The three core practices will give you a taste of how you can deliver this programme to your own clients to make a real impact.

Find Out More

Here's How We Can Help You

Dr. Alan Watkins, physician, neuroscientist, and CEO of Complete

Here's How We Can Help You

Dr. Alan Watkins, physician, neuroscientist, and CEO of Complete

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Our Guarantee to YOU

Whether you are a HR Director, performance coach or an individual looking to boost your well-being we want to make ONE promise to you. This offer WILL be the best investment you can make for yourself, colleagues or clients.


This programme would originally cost £280 but we want to give you an amazing opportunity to experience an approach to well-being and performance that nobody else in the market takes. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with any part of our offer we will, no questions asked, provide you with a full refund within 30 days of purchase. No hassle, no hard feelings.


We are a deliberately developmental organisation with the mission statement to reduce human suffering. What matters most to us is your personal development progress and well-being. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Whether you are a HR Director, performance coach or an individual looking to boost your well-being we want to make ONE promise to you. This offer WILL be the best investment you can make for yourself, colleagues or clients.


This programme would originally cost £280 but we want to give you an amazing opportunity to experience an approach to well-being and performance that nobody else in the market takes. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with any part of our offer we will, no questions asked, provide you with a full refund within 30 days of purchase. No hassle, no hard feelings.


We are a deliberately developmental organisation with the mission statement to reduce human suffering. What matters most to us is your personal development progress and well-being. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Are You Among the Hidden 1%?

In every crowd, there are a few exceptional individuals who are ready to rise above the rest. These are the people who don’t just dream, but take action. The hidden 1% who see challenges as opportunities and are always striving for more. Is this you?


Our app is designed specifically for those who are ready to unlock their true potential. Whether you’re a coach looking to elevate your clients, an individual committed to personal growth, or an HR director aiming to transform your team, our app provides the tools you need to succeed.


Success is not a destination, but a journey. Our app is your companion on this journey, offering innovative features and unparalleled support to ensure you reach your highest potential.


Join the Elite. Unlock Your Potential. Start Today.

Are You Among the Hidden 1%?

In every crowd, there are a few exceptional individuals who are ready to rise above the rest. These are the people who don’t just dream, but take action. The hidden 1% who see challenges as opportunities and are always striving for more. Is this you?


Our app is designed specifically for those who are ready to unlock their true potential. Whether you’re a coach looking to elevate your clients, an individual committed to personal growth, or an HR director aiming to transform your team, our app provides the tools you need to succeed.


Success is not a destination, but a journey. Our app is your companion on this journey, offering innovative features and unparalleled support to ensure you reach your highest potential.


Join the Elite. Unlock Your Potential. Start Today.

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What's Included?

Live Interactive Masterclass Series

Discover the Practice

There will be a live Masterclass webinar on each of the three core practices available on the Complete App. Each Masterclass will be hosted by a Senior Practitioner at Complete who will talk you through the practice with a live facilitated group practice.


The first masterclass will focus on developing energy awareness, the second one will focus on regulating your energy, and the third one will introduce you to the Universe of Emotions.


Recordings will be available of all sessions.

Live Masterclass Series

Discover the Practice

There will be a live Masterclass webinar on each of the three core practices available on the Complete App. Each Masterclass will be hosted by a Senior Practitioner at Complete who will talk you through the practice with a live facilitated group practice.


The first masterclass will focus on developing energy awareness, the second one will focus on regulating your energy, and the third one will introduce you to the Universe of Emotions.


Recordings will be available of all sessions.

Live Q&A Webinar

Meet Our Co-Founder

Dr. Alan Watkins is the CEO and co-founder of Complete. He has spent the last 30 years developing skills and practices that, can at scale, reduce human suffering. 


Every quarter, Dr. Alan Watkins will host a live and interactive Q&A session that will provide you with an unmissable opportunity to ask any question related to the practices available on the app. He will be able to provide foundational insight into each practice and how to integrate this into your day-to-day life.


You can submit your questions ahead of the next Q&A by clicking below

Live Q&A Webinar

Meet Our Co-Founder

Dr. Alan Watkins is the CEO and co-founder of Complete. He has spent the last 30 years developing skills and practices that, can at scale, reduce human suffering. 


Every quarter, Dr. Alan Watkins will host a live and interactive Q&A session that will provide you with an unmissable opportunity to ask any question related to the practices available on the app. He will be able to provide foundational insight into each practice and how to integrate this into your day-to-day life.


You can submit your questions ahead of the next Q&A by clicking below

Premium App Subscription

12-Months Access to Complete App

By signing up for this exclusive offer you will get access to all the premium content on the Complete App for FREE for 12 whole months!


This will provide you with a well-being ecosystem that is purposely built to support your development. We have designed our content to facilitate all forms of learning by providing you with a sophisticated toolkit of blended content that includes articles to read, podcasts to listen to, games to play, videos to watch and so much more!


FREE access to the app content for a year gives you the opportunity to enrol yourself on the 12-Mission Self-Development Program. Work through the program at your own pace, giving you the opportunity to master the skills you need to practice regularly to control your physiology and optimise your performance.

Premium App Subscription

12-Months Access to Complete App

By signing up for this exclusive offer you will get access to all the premium content on the Complete App for FREE for 12 whole months!


This will provide you with a well-being ecosystem that is purposely built to support your development. We have designed our content to facilitate all forms of learning by providing you with a sophisticated toolkit of blended content that includes articles to read, podcasts to listen to, games to play, videos to watch and so much more!


FREE access to the app content for a year gives you the opportunity to enrol yourself on the 12-Mission Self-Development Program. Work through the program at your own pace, giving you the opportunity to master the skills you need to practice regularly to control your physiology and optimise your performance.

Get A Free Prospectus

You might feel that the time is not right to sign up to our offer this summer but we would love you to stay in touch with us so we can help you on your developmental journey.


Whether you are an aspiring coach, HR director, student or athlete we want to help you be better. We have a range of resources and materials out there that can help you. Why not check out our Prospectus which includes everything we have to offer.


Just drop your details in the form below and we will send this directly to you so you can make the right decision and the right time.

Get A Free Prospectus

You might feel that the time is not right to sign up to our offer this summer but we would love you to stay in touch with us so we can help you on your developmental journey.


Whether you are an aspiring coach, HR director, student or athlete we want to help you be better. We have a range of resources and materials out there that can help you. Why not check out our Prospectus which includes everything we have to offer.


Just drop your details in the form below and we will send this directly to you so you can make the right decision and the right time.

Why Choose Complete?

feedback from previous cohorts


“The E-Bank Skill is a really simple way to actually see where your energy is disappearing to and coming from each day and figure out what to do about it. Once I started to use the app I began to WAKE UP to my own emotional state and how much control I have over it.  I began to question why I was feeling this way and how can I change.”

Andy Brock

(Director, Orbyss)


“The Complete App helps to control my breathing. I use the breathing techniques within school lessons – especially whilst working with children with difficult behaviour and just needing to shut off background sounds/negative thinking. The skills on the Complete App are incredibly useful and work when put into practice.”

Barbara Pidgeon

(Breathwork Coach)

The Universe of Emotions

“The Complete App has helped me understand how my emotions impact my thinking and behaviour. I check in to the Universe of Emotions every day and it’s helping to increase my emotional literacy and to be more aware of the effect of my emotions on my behaviour and others’ across different situations.”

Alex Rocha

(CEO, The IT Partnership)

Try Complete App for Free!

free to download and free to use

Offer Closes Soon!

Limited availability - book your seat

Three Core Practices
Discover Well-Being
  • Three Live Masterclass Webinars
  • Dr. Alan Watkins Q&A Series
  • 12-Months FREE App Access
You are backed by our guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days we will give you a no questions asked refund.
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Your Practitioners

Meet the team that will be guiding you through this programme

Dr. Alan Watkins

CEO & Co-Founder

A physician, neuroscientist, integral coach and polymath, Dr. Alan Watkins is recognised as an international expert on leadership, human performance and emotional development.

Ralph Behnke

Senior Practitioner

Ralph’s passion is change and technology. Helping business adopt new technology to speed up operational efficiency, transform their supply chains and improve their customer experience.

Katie Ledger

Senior Practitioner

Katie coaches senior leaders globally, specialising in media and technology sectors for the past decade. She empowers them to achieve results under pressure.

Bevan Rees

Senior Practitioner

Bevan has coached senior leaders and led vertical team development initiatives in multiple geographies and industries, including pharmaceuticals, FMCG, transport and logistics.

Alan Littlefield

Senior Practitioner

Alan has coached and facilitated in diverse industries such as finance, retail, FMCG, professional services, pharmaceuticals, transport, engineering, and the public sector.

Rachel Woolf

Senior Practitioner

Post-Great British Rowing Team, Rachel excelled in leadership & team development, earning two world championship medals with diverse crews.

Gestur Palmason

Senior Practitioner

Gestur has worked with pop artists, business leaders, international soccer players, injured sportspeople, ministers and many more. Many of whom have chosen to stick with him for years.

Peter Dawson

Senior Practitioner

Peter, with over 20 years of business leadership experience, has elevated hundreds of executives and teams through his approach, significantly enhancing their vertical development.

Your Course Curriculum

Start with the foundations of energy, emotion and breath

Unlock the secret to a balanced and fulfilling life with our comprehensive well-being programme. This curriculum gives you and in-depth guide to our transformative programme. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, or enhance your overall health, our curriculum provides a clear road map to achieving your goals.

Join the many who have already transformed their lives. Download out curriculum today and take the first step towards a better version of yourself.

Unlock the secret to a balanced and fulfilling life with our comprehensive well-being programme. This curriculum gives you and in-depth guide to our transformative programme. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, or enhance your overall health, our curriculum provides a clear road map to achieving your goals.

Join the many who have already transformed their lives. Download out curriculum today and take the first step towards a better version of yourself.

Book a Free Demo with a Practitioner

Still Need Convincing?



We can help you achieve your developmental objectives whether you are an individual, leader or coach. You can leverage our unparalleled expertise in the market to address your most important well-being needs.


If you are interested in finding out more about our Framework you can speak directly to one of our Senior Practitioners who can help advise you on what you need to transform your well-being.


Book a free demo of our well-being platform by clicking below.

The Science Behind Your Biology Matters

Each practice is rooted in the science behind your physiology

Having the energy and the right emotional state at the right time is fundamental to achieving the results you want. This was our motivation behind building our wellbeing app, the Complete App. In our app, we give you access to the skills you need to practice daily to help you increase the quantity of your energy and the quality of your emotional state, which enables you to cope better with pressure and think more clearly.


The practices on the app have been developed after 30 years of coaching in this field and the practices can help you effectively reduce stress and the risk of mental breakdown and increase performance levels.


To validate this, we conducted an impact assessment study of some of these practices. We analysed the pre- and post-coaching data on 55 individuals. Data was collected on 12 factors that impact both well-being and performance before coaching began and again after the completion of coaching interventions, one year or so later (see the end of the paper, study methodology, for more details of analyses and sample sizes).

Having the energy and the right emotional state at the right time is fundamental to achieving the results you want. This was our motivation behind building our wellbeing app, the Complete App. In our app, we give you access to the skills you need to practice daily to help you increase the quantity of your energy and the quality of your emotional state, which enables you to cope better with pressure and think more clearly.


The practices on the app have been developed after 30 years of coaching in this field and the practices can help you effectively reduce stress and the risk of mental breakdown and increase performance levels.


To validate this, we conducted an impact assessment study of some of these practices. We analysed the pre- and post-coaching data on 55 individuals. Data was collected on 12 factors that impact both well-being and performance before coaching began and again after the completion of coaching interventions, one year or so later (see the end of the paper, study methodology, for more details of analyses and sample sizes).

Reduction In Stress
Reduction in Fatigue
Improvement in Emotional Management
Improvement in Health Outcomes
Master the Science in Just Three Weeks!

The Three Steps to Success!

Discover the Practice

The Missions on the app introduce the theory behind the science behind the skills on the app. By running through the mission content you will gain some foundational insights into the importance of the skill to help you vertically develop.

Develop the Practice

The skills introduced in the app need to be practised regularly to make a real impact. Our practice scheduler enables you to set up timely reminders in the app when your dedicated practice time is upon you. High-quality practice makes perfect!

Monitor Your Progress

Each skill in the app has its own dedicated page which displays the top-line metrics of the progress you are making within that skill. Your key vitals are presented to you in a dynamic form to ensure you never lose sight of your progress.

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Why You Feel What You Feel?

Dr. Alan Watkins, physician, neuroscientist, and CEO of Complete

Download Your Well-Being Framework

The Complete Well-Being Framework is a ground-breaking well-being solution that can help you as a coach or team leader build internal well-being capability across your client base or organisation.


Our framework provides you with both mobile and web solutions that can integrate seamlessly into your existing well-being initiatives. It acts as a measurement tool so you gather insights around the well-being intelligence of your team.


Sign up below and receive a free copy of our Well-Being Framework and begin to discover what well-being means to you and your team…

Download Your Well-Being Framework

The Complete Well-Being Framework is a ground-breaking well-being solution that can help you as a coach or team leader build internal well-being capability across your client base or organisation.


Our framework provides you with both mobile and web solutions that can integrate seamlessly into your existing well-being initiatives. It acts as a measurement tool so you gather insights around the well-being intelligence of your team.


Sign up below and receive a free copy of our Well-Being Framework and begin to discover what well-being means to you and your team…