The Three Core Practices 3-Part Masterclass Series

Take Ownership of Your Well-Being!

Masterclass 1

Increase Your Energy

Masterclass 2

Breathe Coherently

Masterclass 3

Discover Your Emotions


Complete’s Well-Being Framework provides you with the resources, expertise and tools to step change your own well-being so that you can manage your energy better, control your emotions more effectively and become a higher performer.


We invite you to take part in our exclusive summer well-being challenge that will help you discover the concept of energy, emotion and breathwork. Limited places available so book your seat before it is too late!



Complete’s Well-Being Framework provides you with the resources, expertise and tools to step change your own well-being so that you can manage your energy better, control your emotions more effectively and become a higher performer.


We invite you to take part in our exclusive summer well-being challenge that will help you discover the concept of energy, emotion and breathwork. Limited places available so book your seat before it is too late!


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How Can We Help You?

We can provide you with the tools to be better

Feeling Tired & Burnout?

Do you feel constantly fatigued throughout a typical day?

Do you wake up more tired than when you went to bed?

Have you noticed your energy levels have significantly dropped over the last few years?

We Can Help!

Re-Discover Your Energy!

Most people leak energy throughout the day, so by the end of the day they’re tired. But it is possible to finish every day with the same, or more energy than when you started. The perpetual leaking of energy explains why most people experience, on average, a 3% decline in their energy levels each year. Our framework will teach you the practices you need to adopt to arrest this energy decline and unlock the energy you had 10 years ago!

Sign Up

Struggling to Manage Emotions?

Do you have a habit of ruminating on negative emotions?

Do you tend to overthink and become anxious about situations?

Have your relationships deteriorated due to your inability to control your emotions?

We Can Help!

Master Your Own Emotions!

Most people struggle to manage their emotions not because they suffer from “mental health” problems but because there is a simple misunderstanding between an emotion and a feeling. This occurs because we were never taught this at school. As children, when we were upset, we were told to calm down or stop crying. We have developed practices that can help you gain control over your emotions so they do not have control over you.

Sign Up

Lacking Motivation & Purpose?

Are you struggling to find your purpose in life?

Do you lack the self-motivation to avoid procrastination?

Does life feel like it is getting on top of you and you cannot see a way out?

We Can Help!

Live Your Life on Purpose!

Resilience is defined by the speed of your recovery. One of the most powerful ways to recover your energy and reinvigorate yourself after being knocked down is to be crystal clear about why you are doing what you are doing (i.e., your purpose). If you are clear about your ‘why’ it can be a perpetual energiser. We have developed a series of practices which can help you discover your ‘why’ that we have used with business leaders and executives.

Sign Up

How We Can Help

There really is no mystery to what helps us perform - it is down to our physiology

If we want to guarantee performance so we can always deliver the results we want, we need to understand what drives our behaviour.


To answer that question, we need to peel back each layer of the human system, one by one, to understand the deeper drivers of performance. Firstly, what drives behaviour is thinking. What we think determines what we do.


To change the quality of our thinking, drive a different behaviour, improve performance and achieve better results, we have to change the way we feel. 


The reason it is so hard to control or change the way we feel is because of the raw emotion that is occurring in our body without us necessarily realising it.


What’s driving our behaviour is our thinking, which is largely determined by our feelings, which themselves are the awareness of our emotions, which are made up of our physiological signals.


There is no mystery to performance – our effectiveness and the results we achieve start with something much deeper in the human system than behaviour – our physiology.

If we want to guarantee performance so we can always deliver the results we want, we need to understand what drives our behaviour.


To answer that question, we need to peel back each layer of the human system, one by one, to understand the deeper drivers of performance. Firstly, what drives behaviour is thinking. What we think determines what we do.


To change the quality of our thinking, drive a different behaviour, improve performance and achieve better results, we have to change the way we feel. 


The reason it is so hard to control or change the way we feel is because of the raw emotion that is occurring in our body without us necessarily realising it.


What’s driving our behaviour is our thinking, which is largely determined by our feelings, which themselves are the awareness of our emotions, which are made up of our physiological signals.


There is no mystery to performance – our effectiveness and the results we achieve start with something much deeper in the human system than behaviour – our physiology.

Here From Our Founder

Dr. Alan Watkins, physician, neuroscientist, and CEO of Complete

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Sign up to our exclusive offer to become part of the 2024 cohort of app users. The offer includes FREE 12-month access to the app and all of its fantastic development features.

Free App Access for 12 Months

As part of this offer, you will be provided with free 12-month access to the Complete App so that you can begin practicing the skills that will help you to step-change your well-being and development progress.

You will also be able to begin your 12-mission self-development journey so that you can begin to develop further, faster. The initial 12 missions focus on the skills needed to develop your emotional and social intelligence. They combine theory, practice and mastery of the core skills. For those who want more, the app will also deliver more specific missions focused on specific goals. 

Practitioner-Led Masterclasses

As part of this offer, you will book yourself onto a 3-part Masterclass Webinar Series to help you increase your energy, breathe better and discover emotions. Each webinar will be hosted by one of our Senior Practitioners and they will talk you through the skills you need to practice and develop to be brilliant every day!

The first Masterclass will focus on energy awareness, the second one will focus on energy regulation, and the third Masterclass will introduce you to the nature of emotions.

Dr. Alan Watkins Q&A Sessions

Every quarter, Dr. Alan Watkins will host a live and interactive Q&A session that will provide you with an unmissable opportunity to ask any question related to the skills and practices available on the app. He will be able to provide foundational insight into each skill and how to integrate this valuable skill into your day-to-day life.

Sign up to our exclusive offer to become part of the 2024 cohort of app users. The offer includes FREE 12-month access to the app and all of its fantastic development features.

Free App Access for 12 Months

As part of this offer, you will be provided with free 12-month access to the Complete App so that you can begin practicing the skills that will help you to step-change your well-being and development progress.

You will also be able to begin your 12-mission self-development journey so that you can begin to develop further, faster. The initial 12 missions focus on the skills needed to develop your emotional and social intelligence. They combine theory, practice and mastery of the core skills. For those who want more, the app will also deliver more specific missions focused on specific goals. 

Practitioner-Led Masterclasses

As part of this offer, you will book yourself onto a 3-part Masterclass Webinar Series to help you increase your energy, breathe better and discover emotions. Each webinar will be hosted by one of our Senior Practitioners and they will talk you through the skills you need to practice and develop to be brilliant every day!

The first Masterclass will focus on energy awareness, the second one will focus on energy regulation, and the third Masterclass will introduce you to the nature of emotions.

Dr. Alan Watkins Q&A Sessions

Every quarter, Dr. Alan Watkins will host a live and interactive Q&A session that will provide you with an unmissable opportunity to ask any question related to the skills and practices available on the app. He will be able to provide foundational insight into each skill and how to integrate this valuable skill into your day-to-day life.

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Accelerate Your Development

Start you journey across the 8 lines of development

To become a better performer and develop into a more complete and effective human being you need to focus on the eight lines of development. Each line represents a unique level of intelligence that defines a mature and capable human being. Five of these lines are ‘internal’, i.e. not objectively visible and three are external. Each line of development has several levels of sophistication that you can unlock. 


The Complete App will help you start your journey by helping you develop foundational insight behind each of these lines of development and to help you develop your emotional and social intelligence.


Our summer offer will help you with this as you discover the importance of energy, emotion and breath for performance.


Try Complete App For Free

Our app is free to download and free to use

Your Well-Being Framework

Our founder, Dr. Alan Watkins, has used his experience as a Physician, Neuroscientist, Psychologist and Integral coach to develop a definitive framework for well-being. We want to make this framework available for you to leverage to help accelerate the skills to develop sustained internal capability for well-being.


Whether you are a business leader, student or athlete we want to help you be better. We have a range of resources and materials out there that can help you. 


Just drop your details in the form below and we will send this directly to you so you can discover more about our approach to well-being.

Your Well-Being Framework

Our founder, Dr. Alan Watkins, has used his experience as a Physician, Neuroscientist, Psychologist and Integral coach to develop a definitive framework for well-being. We want to make this framework available for you to leverage to help accelerate the skills to develop sustained internal capability for well-being.


Whether you are a business leader, student or athlete we want to help you be better. We have a range of resources and materials out there that can help you. 


Just drop your details in the form below and we will send this directly to you so you can discover more about our approach to well-being.

The Science Behind Your Biology

Our approach is baased on 30 years of practice in the market

Having the energy and the right emotional state at the right time is fundamental to achieving the results you want. This was our motivation behind building our wellbeing app, the Complete App. In our app, we give you access to the skills you need to practice daily to help you increase the quantity of your energy and the quality of your emotional state, which enables you to cope better with pressure and think more clearly.


The practices on the app have been developed after 30 years of coaching in this field and the practices can help you effectively reduce stress and the risk of mental breakdown and increase performance levels.


To validate this, we conducted an impact assessment study of some of these practices. We analysed the pre- and post-coaching data on 55 individuals. Data was collected on 12 factors that impact both well-being and performance before coaching began and again after the completion of coaching interventions, one year or so later (see the end of the paper, study methodology, for more details of analyses and sample sizes).

Having the energy and the right emotional state at the right time is fundamental to achieving the results you want. This was our motivation behind building our wellbeing app, the Complete App. In our app, we give you access to the skills you need to practice daily to help you increase the quantity of your energy and the quality of your emotional state, which enables you to cope better with pressure and think more clearly.


The practices on the app have been developed after 30 years of coaching in this field and the practices can help you effectively reduce stress and the risk of mental breakdown and increase performance levels.


To validate this, we conducted an impact assessment study of some of these practices. We analysed the pre- and post-coaching data on 55 individuals. Data was collected on 12 factors that impact both well-being and performance before coaching began and again after the completion of coaching interventions, one year or so later (see the end of the paper, study methodology, for more details of analyses and sample sizes).

Reduction In Stress
Reduction in Fatigue
Improvement in Emotional Management
Improvement in Health Outcomes
Complete App's Well-Being Ecosystem

What's Included?

Self-Paced Development

The 12 Mission Journey on the Complete App enables you to accelerate your development by working through a course personally written by Dr. Alan Watkins to enable you to be brilliant every day.

Self-Paced Development

The 12 Mission Journey on the Complete App enables you to accelerate your development by working through a course personally written by Dr. Alan Watkins to enable you to be brilliant every day.

Practice the Core Skills

Daily Practices can be scheduled so that you continue to check in to the app and practice the three core skills on the app – E-Bank, Universe of Emotions and the BREATHE Skill. This enables you to cement your development progress.

Practice the Core Skills

Daily Practices can be scheduled so that you continue to check in to the app and practice the three core skills on the app – E-Bank, Universe of Emotions and the BREATHE Skill. This enables you to cement your development progress.

Measure Your ESQ

The Complete App allows you to measure your emotional and social intelligence with over 30 self-reported assessments. This will help you accurately quantify which dimension of your ESQ you need to focus on to improve your health, well-being and performance.

Measure Your ESQ

The Complete App allows you to measure your emotional and social intelligence with over 30 self-reported assessments. This will help you accurately quantify which dimension of your ESQ you need to focus on to improve your health, well-being and performance.

Emotion Science

For even greater insight unlock the power of emotion science by logging emotions in the Universe of Emotions. See how you really feel in real-time so you can begin to understand your own emotional landscape.

Emotion Science

For even greater insight unlock the power of emotion science by logging emotions in the Universe of Emotions. See how you really feel in real-time so you can begin to understand your own emotional landscape.

Real-Time Insights

The Complete App allows you to keep track of all your development activity via a continuous data stream. Our emotion heatmaps enable you to gain deeper insights into how you are changing and developing over time.

Real-Time Insights

The Complete App allows you to keep track of all your development activity via a continuous data stream. Our emotion heatmaps enable you to gain deeper insights into how you are changing and developing over time.

Community Features

You can interact with each other across our community pages by sharing, favouriting, and commenting on content in the app. Community Leader Boards can also provide a friendly competitive element to users’ progress.

Community Features

You can interact with each other across our community pages by sharing, favouriting, and commenting on content in the app. Community Leader Boards can also provide a friendly competitive element to users’ progress.

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Three Core Practices Offer Ends Soon!

Why Choose Complete?

"Mental health is not mental and its not health"

Most people who are told they have mental health problems have normal cognitive functioning. Their thinking processes are fine. So why do we consider them ‘mental’? It is stigmatising and unhelpful. It forces us to set up a whole programme of activity to deal with the stigma of calling the problem ‘mental’ when it is not.


Similarly, it is considered a ‘health’ problem when it’s a development problem. If people are not properly trained or educated to manage their emotions, emotional turbulence can lead to poor resilience and negative health consequences. But turbulence doesn’t mean there are health problems.

Most well-being solutions focus on the ‘world of doing’ the ‘IT’, the day-to-day, the business-as-usual solutions. But any initiative in the objective world will only make a difference if it impacts our inner world and changes how we feel. 

Here at Complete, we firmly believe that every individual possesses the potential to evolve into a better, more fulfilled, and efficient human being. We’ve consolidated 40 years of expertise into a single product: The Complete Well-Being Framework. Our product has been meticulously designed to bolster resilience, enhance emotional well-being, and optimise performance. It’s brimming with advice and skills to assist you, along with software to monitor your physiological metrics and facilitate daily emotion logging.

We believe that we must now change the narrative on mental health and we want to take you with us. 

Dr. Alan Watkins

CEO & Co-Founder of Complete

Most people who are told they have mental health problems have normal cognitive functioning. Their thinking processes are fine. So why do we consider them ‘mental’? It is stigmatising and unhelpful. It forces us to set up a whole programme of activity to deal with the stigma of calling the problem ‘mental’ when it is not.


Similarly, it is considered a ‘health’ problem when it’s a development problem. If people are not properly trained or educated to manage their emotions, emotional turbulence can lead to poor resilience and negative health consequences. But turbulence doesn’t mean there are health problems.

Most well-being solutions focus on the ‘world of doing’ the ‘IT’, the day-to-day, the business-as-usual solutions. But any initiative in the objective world will only make a difference if it impacts our inner world and changes how we feel. 

Here at Complete, we firmly believe that every individual possesses the potential to evolve into a better, more fulfilled, and efficient human being. We’ve consolidated 40 years of expertise into a single product: The Complete Well-Being Framework. Our product has been meticulously designed to bolster resilience, enhance emotional well-being, and optimise performance. It’s brimming with advice and skills to assist you, along with software to monitor your physiological metrics and facilitate daily emotion logging.

We believe that we must now change the narrative on mental health and we want to take you with us. 

Dr. Alan Watkins

CEO & Co-Founder of Complete

Complete App Testimonials

Read how others have used the complete app to accelerate their development


    Unlike most other wellbeing apps, the Complete App is scientifically grounded which gave me the confidence to begin my 12-Mission self-development journey. The app has helped me understand how emotions impact my thinking and behaviour. I check in to the Universe of Emotions every day and it’s helping to increase my emotional literacy and to be more aware of the effect of my emotions on my behaviour in different situations. I have also found the E-Bank Skill a really simple way to actually see where your energy is disappearing to and coming from each day and figure out what to do about it. There are also plenty of easy-to-use dashboards, helpful practices, self-development resources and assessments that help me vertically develop.

    Andy Brock
    Director, Orbyss

    I became, what I refer to as, ‘breath aware’ initially through an Indian Ayurvedic practitioner who suggested I “watch my breath twice a day for 20 minutes” to recover from a couple of accidents. I was sceptical, but somehow adhered to the breathing instructions and I realised after a year I noticed the difference. I had to understand why and I embarked on a journey of research I came across Dr Alan Watkins’ work, his concepts regarding coherence, emotions, energy – and life in general – blew my mind. And now my mind is somewhat more blown, with access to this wonderful new Complete app with practices that so succinctly explain and demonstrate how, as energetic beings, we can all become the best version of ourselves – individually and collectively.

    Barbara Pidgeon
    Breathwork Coach

    There are things in your life that make deposits and other things that make withdrawals. Over time, you need to ensure there are more deposits than withdrawals. It’s a very helpful technique for thinking about your whole life, including work and home. Complete encouraged me to keep an energy bank account for my deposits and withdrawals. It drives me to do things that lead to deposits. You beat yourself up over things that go wrong, but you rarely give yourself or your team credit when things go right. E-Bank helps to redress that, and it certainly helped me think differently.

    Mike Iddon
    CFO, Pets at Home

    Using the Complete App really made me think about the influence I have on others through my own emotions. I soon discovered that my own emotional state affects not just myself, but everything and everyone that I am around. This has really made me think about how the way I am feeling will affect how I am towards other people. I will now pause and reflect each time I feel myself getting to a point where I am lingering on negative emotions. I am also using the Complete App to help control my breathing. I use the breathing techniques within school lessons – especially whilst working with children with difficult behaviour and just needing to shut off background sounds/negative thinking. The skills on the Complete App are incredibly useful and work when put into practice. 




    The Complete App has provided me with a coping mechanism that allows me to shift from one mood to another. Before using the app there were days I would come to work really stressed and anxious. I soon began to condition myself to believe that this was symptomatic of the job. I did not feel confident enough to describe my emotions to anyone and used to crack on working like a robot. But once I started to use the app I began to WAKE UP to my own emotional state and how much control I have over it.  I began to question why I was feeling this way and ask myself what I needed to do to shift my mindset. Without using the app I wouldn’t have been able to do this as I wouldn’t have the language to be able to. 




Dr. Alan Watkin's 12-Mission Well-Being Programme

How many levels of your Emotional & Social Intelligence can you master?

Are you looking to increase your energy? Are you looking to breathe better? Are you looking to embrace a higher order of thinking to help see the world much more clearly?

Our founder, Dr. Alan Watkins has written a 12-Mission course in the app to help you develop the foundational insight into the skills you need to practice to achieve your development and well-being objectives.

There are 12 Missions that you need to complete as you embark on a journey to discover well-being and develop your emotional and social intelligence (ESQ).

Each mission you navigate through focuses on the skills you need to practice to develop one level of your ESQ. Developing your ESQ is the fastest way to elevate your performance and achieve more success. This can give you a significant competitive advantage in the world, whether you are an athlete, business person or student, as for most, ESQ remains massively underdeveloped.

Upon the completion of your journey, you will have developed a sophisticated toolkit that will help you show up better in the world and become the person you are truly capable of!

Are you looking to increase your energy? Are you looking to breathe better? Are you looking to embrace a higher order of thinking to help see the world much more clearly?

Our founder, Dr. Alan Watkins has written a 12-Mission course in the app to help you develop the foundational insight into the skills you need to practice to achieve your development and well-being objectives.

There are 12 Missions that you need to complete as you embark on a journey to discover well-being and develop your emotional and social intelligence (ESQ).

Each mission you navigate through focuses on the skills you need to practice to develop one level of your ESQ. Developing your ESQ is the fastest way to elevate your performance and achieve more success. This can give you a significant competitive advantage in the world, whether you are an athlete, business person or student, as for most, ESQ remains massively underdeveloped.

Upon the completion of your journey, you will have developed a sophisticated toolkit that will help you show up better in the world and become the person you are truly capable of!

Why You Feel What You Feel?

Dr. Alan Watkins, physician, neuroscientist, and CEO of Complete

Offer Closes Soon!

Limited availability - book your seat

Three Core Practices
Discover Well-Being
  • Three Live Masterclass Webinars
  • Dr. Alan Watkins Q&A Series
  • 12-Months FREE App Access
You are backed by our guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days we will give you a no questions asked refund.
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Develop Internal Well-Being Capability

Practice the skills we use to help lleaders become better


Energy is our number one resource and more important than time. The E-Bank Skill will help you understand where your energy comes from and where it goes, giving you the opportunity to do more of what energises you and less of what drains your energy.

Universe of Emotions

The Universe of Emotions contains over 2000 emotions to help facilitate the development of greater emotional literacy by encouraging you to regularly log how you are feeling. Logging emotions regularly will enable you to be specific about how you really feel.


The B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Skill teaches you the importance of establishing and maintaining rhythmic, smooth, even and coherent breathing patterns to increase your energy and raise performance by controlling the output of the body’s power station – the heart.


The Bio-Coherence Skill teaches you how to establish coherence between your breath rate and heart rate to optimise your performance and control your physiology. This skill requires a compatible Bluetooth heart rate monitor to be able to accurately capture your heart rate.


This skill will enable you to change how you feel on demand wherever you are. We can shift from an unhelpful emotion to a more position emotion it changes our biology so we can solve the problems we are facing more effectively.


The MASTERY Skill shows you how to turn on an emotion and sustain it every day whether you are in an important business meeting, in an exam or just talking to someone. It turns an internal subjective feeling into an objective state.


The Positive Energy Practice (PEP) Skill shows how you can set yourself up for the day by rehearsing positive emotions into your daily routine. This will enable you to make a real impact in changing your physiology, emotional state and health.


This skills helps you to overcome self-criticism and insufficiency. The appreciation skill is designed to turn the tide on this and help you appreciate the many wonderful qualities that you possess and start re-building your self-worth and self-confidence.

Appreciation of Others

Most people are forgiving of others than they are of themselves. This skill show you how incredibly powerful it is to explicitly appreciate another human being, particularly if that appreciation is sincere and focuses on something that matters to the other person.


This shows you how you can increase the level of trust you have in others and others have in you. This will help prevent unrealistic expectations and disappointment in life. Practice will show you what you need to do to improve trust across different relationships.

Lion Mind

The Lion Mind skill helps train your ability to focus your mind on only the nourishing or helpful thoughts and feelings. Once you become aware of those unhelpful thoughts and feelings you will use this skill to let them pass and notice the difference between what is useful information and what is unhelpful.


Discovering your own personal purpose takes time, effort and dedication. However, once you have discovered it you then need to work with it to bring it alive in your life. The Purpose Skill helps you find the guiding theme in your life which can help bring clarity, relevance and importance to your daily tasks.

Develop Emotional Maturity

How Our App Can Help?

Log Your Emotions

Our interactive Universe of Emotions in the Complete App allows you to navigate around 2,000 different emotion planets and explore their emotional landscape in relation to how you currently feel.

Build Emotional Literacy

As your familiarity navigating through the Universe of Emotions framework improves so will your emotional literacy so you can begin articulating and expressing how you really feel by learning the meaning of new emotions.

Regulate Your Emotions

Logging emotions every day allows you to build up a real-time visualisation of your emotional map via a heatmap visualisation. Here you will be able to see your Home Planet and your centre of gravity in the Universe.

Your Course Curriculum

Start with the foundations of energy, emotion and breath

Unlock the secret to a balanced and fulfilling life with our comprehensive well-being programme. This curriculum gives you and in-depth guide to our transformative programme. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, or enhance your overall health, our curriculum provides a clear road map to achieving your goals.

Join the many who have already transformed their lives. Download out curriculum today and take the first step towards a better version of yourself.

Unlock the secret to a balanced and fulfilling life with our comprehensive well-being programme. This curriculum gives you and in-depth guide to our transformative programme. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, or enhance your overall health, our curriculum provides a clear road map to achieving your goals.

Join the many who have already transformed their lives. Download out curriculum today and take the first step towards a better version of yourself.

Become Certified!

Want to become a Well-Being Practitioner to help others? Maybe you aspire to become an integral coach? Or do you just want to immerse yourself personally in the world of vertical development? If so our app certification programme could be perfect for you to develop the skills to facilitate well-being and performance practices for individual and team coaching. 


Whether you are new to Complete or familiar with what we do we will show you a world where progress is quantifiable, success is measurable, and your potential as an individual is limitless.


Immerse yourself in a dynamic and interactive learning experience, tailored to your pace and accessible from anywhere in the world. Join a thriving global community, engage with insightful content, and master the skills that will set you apart.


Ready to embark on this transformative journey together? 


Become Certified!

Want to become a Well-Being Practitioner to help others? Maybe you aspire to become an integral coach? Or do you just want to immerse yourself personally in the world of vertical development? If so our app certification programme could be perfect for you to develop the skills to facilitate well-being and performance practices for individual and team coaching. 


Whether you are new to Complete or familiar with what we do we will show you a world where progress is quantifiable, success is measurable, and your potential as an individual is limitless.


Immerse yourself in a dynamic and interactive learning experience, tailored to your pace and accessible from anywhere in the world. Join a thriving global community, engage with insightful content, and master the skills that will set you apart.


Ready to embark on this transformative journey together? 


Regulate Your Breath

Use Our App to Find Your Optimal Breath Rate

One of the primary ways that we lose our energy is through incoherent or erratic breathing. In the same way that we use more fuel driving in the city, than we do driving on the motorway, when our breathing is chaotic, we use up much more energy. Coherent breathing is like motorway driving – we travel further using less fuel, and there is less wear and tear on our system, so we not only feel younger, but we conserve energy and can restore the energy levels that we had when we were younger.

There’s now overwhelming evidence to suggest that learning to control your breath has significant benefits for your health, wellbeing and the performance of your mind, but knowing exactly what aspect of your breath to control is key. There are 12 different dimensions that you can learn to control. But there are THREE that really matter:

  1. Rhythm
  2. Smoothness
  3. Location

The other nine dimensions are less important, particularly for brain function. So, when someone next tells you to take a few deep breaths it is nowhere near as useful to you as to take a few rhythmic breaths.

One of the core skills on the Complete App helps you find your breath rate so you can practice breathing rhythmically, evenly and through the heart every day (which by the way spells BREATHE to help you remember what you’re meant to be doing!).