Are you a business leader looking for a wellbeing solution that will transform your organisation’s performance and elevate employee wellbeing.
The Complete App provides you with a sophisticated toolkit to optimise your physiology and elevate individual, team and organisation performance!
Sign up below to find out more…
Are you looking to improve the culture of your organisation?
Are you looking to empower your colleagues to be better versions of themselves?
Are you looking to raise performance across each department in your organisation?
Despite years of well-intentioned efforts to improve mental health and wellbeing in most organisations, there’s substantial evidence to suggest that the problem may be getting worse. This makes it harder for organisations to grow their revenues and deliver on their ambitions. The emergence of wellbeing apps represents a significant opportunity to reverse this trend, reduce the financial and human cost of mental health issues and better support the whole workforce.
To do this effectively and deliver sustainable improvements in employee wellbeing the solution must address the complete range of complex issues at play. We strongly believe that poorly regulated emotions are the root cause of most stress cases and mental health issues, as well as being the super-highway to many physical ailments and medical conditions.
Here at Complete, we have been helping influential leaders across the world for the last 20 years to improve their health, their wellbeing and their performance. We have designed the app so that your organisation will have access to all the skills to transform your organisation’s performance. The Complete app provides your organisation with a unique opportunity to transform employee wellbeing to deliver significant scalable benefits to elevate your organisation’s performance by focusing on emotional development and wellbeing.
Our Certification Program incorporates all the mission content in the Complete App into one integrated 12-module program which takes you through a journey of development ending in accreditation to become certified.
Certification would enable you to take on the delivery of all the skills available in the app to pass on to the rest of the employees in your organisation. This will enable you to make a real impact and help your organisation unlock a completely new level of performance.
The program will include live interactive webinars, group practice sessions and Q&As. The program is self-paced and can be taught over a time frame that suits you – 12 days/weeks/months.
You have the option to complete the program in stages or in one go. The full breakdown is shown below.
Unlock Energy Awareness
This module deals with the most important resource you have – your energy. It reveals how you can regain the energy levels you had 10 years ago by learning how to control your physiology and increase the number and quality of moments that boost your energy levels.
Develop Energy Management
This module focuses on how you can significantly enhance your energy levels by learning to your breath rate more effectively. This mission shows you the top three priorities in breath control that will enhance your energy levels and transform brain function.
Grow Emotional Awareness
This module helps you understand the concept of emotions and encourages you to start exploring the ‘Universe of Emotions’ through logging how you feel throughout the day.
Build Emotional Literacy
This module helps you develop a deeper and more grounded understanding of specific emotions that you need to call upon in situations to perform at your best.
Developing Emotional Regulation
This module helps you develop your ability to manage the stress and pressure that you may be under. You will be shown how to embed these skills into your life.
Cultivate Resilience
This module addresses the whole concept of resilience and how it’s possible to cultivate much greater levels of resilience despite facing very difficult external challenges or relationship problems.
Activate Self-Motivation
This module shows you how to use your raw emotional energy to drive yourself forward. This step changes your ability to be self-motivated. It also helps you activate your personal purpose which is a game changer.
Open to Optimism
This module deals with the most important resource you have – your energy. It reveals how you can regain the energy levels you had 10 years ago by learning how to control your physiology and increase the number and quality of moments that boost your energy levels.
Access Deep Empathy
This module builds on the previous nine missions to enable you to connect empathically with the people around you in a much deeper way. The ability to listen deeply to others can accelerate your ability to build long-lasting, trusting relationships.
Nurture Social Awareness
This module shows you how to notice your impact on others, their impact on each other and on you too. We leave energetic and emotional footprints wherever we go. We can nurture a Net Zero or preferably a Net Positive footprint in our lives with the right approach.
Elevate Social Intelligence
This module shows you how to elevate your contribution so you can leave a positive legacy on those around us. We have to recognise that we are all social animals, and we need each other in order to survive and thrive.
Through emotion logging, the Complete App can help you gain deeper insights into how your organisation feels in real-time in response to a range of questions that are important to them.
Once the app has been rolled out to your employees, you can buy into a live and continuous data stream presented through the Corporate Dashboard.
This Dashboard is critical to saving you time and money. The Corporate Dashboard can pinpoint the wellbeing ‘hot spots’ and facilitate much more accurate and appropriate support of individuals and teams within the organisation.
We have broken down and re-packaged the theory behind your physiology into accessible and informative byte-sized chunks called Missions. There are 12 Missions in total across this app and each one targets a different skill that you need to master in order to vertically develop.
The Missions are designed so that you can focus on doing the right work in the most comprehensive development framework to target your own personal development at your own pace and in the comfort of your own space.
We run a series of webinars on the Mission Content in the app. Each webinar will be hosted by a Certified Complete Coach who can provide you with the tools to vertically develop. Each session comes in at just £50 per person (max. of 30 people) and lasts 90 minutes with a facilitated Q&A session at the end.
The Bio-Coherence tool in the app allows users to either record their own physiology spontaneously or schedule a time when it would be useful to see how their physiology is changing, in a specific meeting for example.
Quantifying heart rate variability and coherence levels enable an individual to determine their energy levels as well as assess the quality of their energy. The App delivers a precise scientific interpretation of this data based on our deep and extensive medical understanding of such data, developed after 30 years of research in this area.
The Complete HRV Pack provides you with the most accurate measurement tool for this skill by equipping you with a market-leading device and an accessory (strap or electrodes).